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Category Archives: What I Learned About Writing This Month

(W)riting, Relationships, and Romance

Tweet Greetings, lovely people! This week at Unstressed Syllables, we’re focusing on contemporary romance and chick lit. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that these aren’t my wheelhouse genres. So, I’m kicking off the romance by sharing with you a few tidbits I’ve picked up from expert Nora Roberts*. Just Tell the Story “My […]

Kill Your Darlings: The Alpha and Omega of Stephen King

So, when I was pondering which part of Stephen King’s On Writing to share with you today, for some reason my brain said, “FIRST! LAST! PAGING THROUGH BOOK TO FIND UNDERLINED THINGS!” And I said, “Huh?” My brain just rolled its eyes at me. But then it explained….

Cut It Out! C.S. Friedman and the Dreaded Prologue

Tweet Welcome, dearest writers and readers, to my first feature post! This week we’re on about prologues. Should we have them? Or should we cast them upon the cleansing fires of editing and rewrites, never allowing them to mar another of our manuscripts again? The Problem with Prologues Rumor has it that your editor (you […]