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Tag Archives: Synopsis

Prewriting: Turn It Upside Down and Inside Out

Today we’re going to discuss how to make a map work in your favor — or, how you can use your prewriting material in a way that doesn’t tie you down to structure.

Working Titles and Story Questions

In today’s “Prewriting” post, we’ll discuss working titles, short synopses, and the ever-elusive story question.

On Scene Lists: What Your Story Needs

Tweet We’ve been talking about long synopses and scene lists this week. Yesterday I went into some detail on what scene lists are for. Today I want to tell you how to write one. It shouldn’t be hard, but it’s definitely going to take some time and thought. So let’s get started! Meat on the […]

On Scene Lists: Building a Novel

Tweet This week, your big NaNoWriMo prewriting assignment is to develop a long synopsis, or scene list.  I’ve talked before about writing a plot synopsis (and all its various forms), and tucked in there is a brief description of a scene list: A scene list is primarily useful as a prewriting or editing tool. It […]

On Scene Lists: Complications

Tweet As my sister so kindly pointed out, I’ve fallen a bit behind on the blog posts lately. And that’s after cutting my weekly commitment by half. I still mostly blame schoolwork, but that’s really just my temporary excuse. Give me a week, and I’ll be able to blame NaNoWriMo for a full month. After […]

Pitch and Tagline (Creative Writing Exercise)

Your writing exercise this week is to write the pitch and tagline for your story. That should be the most interesting, energy-packed version of your story description. Tell us, briefly, what your story is about. What makes your story special? What about it is going to grab our interest? You’ve got two to four paragraphs (fewer than 200 words), so keep it focused.

The Art of the Plot Synopsis

Your book needs a good description. In fact, it needs several. In this article you’ll learn about the purpose and construction of a scene list, a long synopsis, a short synopsis, a pitch, a tagline, and a formula compare. When you’re done, you’ll be ready to describe your story to anybody, under any condition.